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7 Proven Motivation Tips For Weight Loss

7 Proven Motivation Tips For Weight Loss

People lose their weight loss goals for various reasons. The biggest secret of motivation tips for weight loss is that it comes from inside and not outside. Many men and women have successfully lost weight with simple diet programs in just 9 days, 10 days, 3 weeks, 4 weeks etc. It all depends on how much weight you have targeted to lose and how much effort you are putting in. Some people have lost as much as 33 pounds in a period of 12 weeks and this just goes to show that it is indeed possible. Others have lost up to 100 pounds in a 10 month period. Guys typically lose weight faster than girls but in 12 weeks records show that you can lose at least 15 pounds.

Studies show that most overweight peeps don’t like exercise because they find it tiring. Smaller people find exercise exciting and thoroughly enjoyable. This should be a motivator because once you exercise more you will be able to lose weight and start enjoying exercise. In a short time you will be losing even more weight as you drive to exercise more.

Why you can’t stay motivated to lose weight?

As a beginner, all you have is a goal, but this goal can easily transform into a beautiful success story. Other people can try their best to give you something to do, but unless you adopt this and make it your own it does not work.

Real motivation tips for weight loss comes from inside and not from outside. So find a challenge within yourself and fire it up into motivation – the kind of motivation that achieves great results. Of course some weight loss programs such as the 3 week diet comes with a motivation manual.

How to get motivated to lose weight when depressed?

Depression is a terrible state of mind in which one has no real desire to do anything. All you need is to decide which path you want to chart in order to find your motivation tips for weight loss. Once your mind is made up, make a plan to stick with your first goal. While adjustments may be necessary in the course of your journey, the main goal should remain in focus.

You also need social support which can be got from family or friends. The best one I have found is to join Facebook groups and online forums with other people who have similar goals and challenges. This makes it easy to share your issues and be understood as well as to be lofted up when you are giving up.

Choose the perfect weight loss diet

weight loss motivation secretsAccording to diet doctors, there are all categories of people who try to lose weight and the results are as different. Many of the people lost weight successfully, some have regained the weight and others lose very little weight. It turns out weight loss in the real world, not the celebrity bliss, not what’s on TV, but real effort by real people with real constraints is not so easy or straightforward. One must have weight loss motivation that is grounded.

For celebrities, weight loss is part of their life, they have private doctors, nutritionists, chefs, nannies and trainers to hold up all the ends. Normal people on the other hand are working to put food on the table, they are trying to hold onto their jobs, the care of kids, take the kids out and all things that normal people do. On top of these daily stressors, they are now trying to work out and lose weight.

In weight loss, there is no one diet that fits all people, some people will find results by using one diet while others will not. Therefore it is best to hold on to some fundamental dieting principles in order to get results no matter what. In addition, carefully evaluate what is on offer and choose a diet that will work for you – your body type and your schedules.

7 motivation tips for weight loss

Make it fun!
Weight loss does not have to be tasteless, long suffering and boring. You do not have to engage in impossible workouts. Rather, you should engage in things that are enjoyable and manageable at your current level. This will enable you to succeed and move on to greater things – greater transformation – greater confidence. A good work out plan should also provide rewards and motivators.

Eat more fruit
People get accustomed to eating an equal amount of food each day. To lose weight, you should have more low calorie foods on your plate. These are mostly fruits, vegetables, wholegrain which are also high in water and or fiber. Fruits are naturally sweet and may even help you to satisfy your cravings for sweets.

Use smaller dishes
This is a mind game! Instead of consciously trying to eat less food, reducing the size of your plate will achieve the same trick mindlessly. Glasses that are tall and thin will enable one to drink less. This is called mindless eating and it involves taking care of the eating environment and allowing the other elements to fall into place.

Lifestyle exercise
The gym is a wonderful invention and it has enables many people to exercise more regularly. However, the same amount of exercise intensity can be got out of engaging in common lifestyle activities such as walking, standing, dancing, walking upstairs, washing utensils, cleaning the house etc. These are more sustainable in the long run.

Settle for something
Many times you have an “all-or-nothing” mentality. You want to get the best out of your diet so when you do one thing wrong, you want to throw out the whole plan! It’s good, even healthy to cut yourself some slack, you cannot be perfect at all times. Let yourself do something imperfectly and still strive to achieve your original goal. You should also get into a lifestyle that is healthy and sustainable if you want to lose weight and keep it off.

Plan ahead
Planning your meals for the week helps you to have something on hand when you need it. This reduces rush buying when you may not find what you need.

Planning ahead is also what makes you carry your swim suit to work and manage to get 45 minutes of swimming over lunch hour.

You are also able to scout around for alternatives, restaurants near the office where you can get a healthy meal on short notice.

Plan for changes to your plan
As you juggle work, travel, home it may not always be possible to get to the gym or your dance class on time. This does not mean you cannot work out! You can plan to walk from work on such days or have a zumba DVD to carry with you when going out of town. If you cannot find time to cook a healthy meal, always keep healthy snacks at hand to hold you up as you search. Healthy snack options include fruits, nuts, protein bars, bee pollen etc.

About Trudy Banks

Hello I’m Trudy Banks! I’m sure what you’re thinking at the moment. Could this website help to you? I’d like to talk about my weight loss strife, how I burn fat with all the hints. It was a long road to burn fat, with many totally wrong turns, however at the end I learned something that made it simpler for me and it will be more simple for you.

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